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12th Annual Johnny Holliday Scholarship Classic Achieves Record Support for DC Kids!


To all who attended, supported and participated this year, we are humbled that the success of this tournament and its impact on D.C. youth grows every year. 2017 was another exclamation point for us.

Ryan Zimmerman showed us all why he is truly a Community Champion for all Washingtonians. Everybody from the kids in the program to our own committee members eagerly waited for an opportunity to meet him. Ryan was so gracious with everyone signing autographs for the kids and trading stories with the adults throughout the day. His devotion to the community is certainly what makes him our most loved National.

Johnny Holliday rallied all of us to a new record by raising nearly $250,000 to support the students of YLF and he and Mary Clare’s Scholarship Fund this year.

25 mentors who will build character for hundreds of D.C. students this summer also volunteered their time. With many of them being alumni of YLF’s programs, we hope that you had the chance to get to know a few of them. One student – a current graduate of St. John’s College High School – recounted that, after nine summers of YLF, he was excited to now mentor and pass on the gifts shared with him over the years.

EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED THIS YEAR DESERVES A BIG THANK YOU! From our sponsors, to our celebrity guests, to our volunteers and to The Shed Band, you have contributed to what will be an amazing summer for nearly 250 kids at YLF programs and to their education at excellent schools this fall!


Mike Manders

Event Chair


Rob DeSimone

YLF Executive Director

Catalogue For Philanthropy - "One of the Best" 2017-18

YLF - Celebrating 20 Years

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